Class Descriptions
Harmony In the Household
Intro to agility requirements and pre-requisite for Foundations. Review necessary skills for harmony and obedience in your home. To be comfortable in crates. Sits, down, stays recalls, loose leash walking. Attention, leave it. Comfort with people touching your dog. Comfort in the presence with other dogs on leash while practicing skills. Teach you and your dog body awareness on ladder, wobble board and planks.
Age requirement: Any age
Instructor: Karen Grooth / Denise Katz
Days / Time: Monday 9:00 am and / or 10:15 am (with rotating openings)
Wednesday 6:00 pm and / or 7:15 pm (with rotating openings)
Pre-requisite: None
Location: Puppy Room
Foundations I
Continue to learn teamwork and basic flatwork agility skills that were learned in Harmony in the Household. Start line stays, pause table etiquette, handling skills related to running agility on the flat
Expand proficiency on wobble board, planks and ladder. Introduction and begin proficiency on basic agility equipment and beginning 2x2 weaves, determined by dogs age and structural maturity.
Age requirement: 6 - 15 Months
Instructor: Karen Groth / Denise Katz
Monday 9:00 am and / or 10:15 am (with rotating openings)
Wednesday 6:00 pm and / or 7:15 pm (with rotating openings)
Thursday 6:00 pm and 7:15 pm
Pre-requisite: Completion of Harmony in the Household or Instructor approval
Location: Puppy Room
Foundations II
Continue obstacle mastery, especially teeter and weaves, 2 on-2 off, 3-8 obstacle sequences, jump and tunnel exercises, familiarity with front, blind, and rear crosses, beginning sending.
Age requirement: 6 - 24 months
Instructor: Nancy Brian
Days / Time: Tuesday 6:30 pm
Pre-requisite: Completion of Foundations I or Instructor approval
Location: Puppy Room
Foundations III
Continue to become efficient on agility equipment, become proficient with 2x2 weaves, A-frame, dog walk and teeter. Short sequences as you become comfortable in jumping and handling skills prior to moving into the large agility ring at the next levels. Move ups are based on completion of F-I & F-II
with available openings in the upper levels. Learn necessary rules for agility trials.
Age requirement: 12 - 24 Months
Instructor: Karen Groth
Days / Time: Mondays 6:00 pm and 7:15 pm
Pre-requisite: Completion of Foundations I
Location: Puppy Room
Novice Agility
This class will aid both dogs and handlers in developing skills for running a Novice agility course. Handlers will learn how to maneuver and direct their dogs through an agility course using basic directional cues, including eye contact, voice commands and body movements. Dogs will need to have a solid recall to handler, and some experience with contacts, jumping, six weave poles, and tunnels or have prior permission from one of the instructors. Class emphasis will be on both dogs and handlers having FUN while learning the sport of agility.
Age requirement: 24 Months
Instructor: Bonnnie Boskovitch / Helen Kurz / Rick Masley
Days / Time: Tuesday 5:15 pm (Helen - Novice up to Open )
Thursday 6:30 pm (Rick)
Pre-requisite: Completion of Foundations II or approval of Instructor
Location: Main Agility Ring
Open / Excellent Agility
This class continues from Novice Agility. Dogs must have experience and confidence on all contact obstacles at full height, be able to weave 12 poles, and travel through curved tunnels. Dogs will continue to improve on speed and obstacle discrimination. Handlers will continue to build on basic skills learned in Novice Agility. Class emphasis will be on both dogs and handlers having FUN while learning the sport of agility.
Age requirement: 24 Months
Instructor: Helen Kurz / Rick Masley / Denise Schneider
Days / Time: Monday 6:00 pm (Helen)
Wednesday 7:30 pm (Helen)
Thursdays 10:00 am and 11:15 am - Denise (Open up to Masters)
Thursday 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm (Rick)
Pre-requisite: Completion of Foundations II or approval of Instructor
Location: Main Agility Ring
Masters Agility
Dogs must be competing at the Excellent / Masters Level or have the skills to compete at these levels. Dogs and handlers will perfect and expand their speed and skills to shave seconds off course time, by choosing the most effective handling maneuvers and line.
Age requirement: 24 Months
Instructor: Helen Kurz
Days / Time: Monday 7:15 pm
Tuesday 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm
Wednesday 7:30 pm
Pre-requisite: Competing at Excellent / Masters Level or approval of Instructor
Location: Main Agility Ring